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Contact: Pairs: Amy Dickson / Jamie Jenkinson


July 10th, 7:30pm at The Depot, 38 Upper Clapton Rd, London, E5 8BQ - £5/£3

Amy Dickson and Jamie Jenkinson have both made substantial series of video works with mobile phones, usually with single takes that suggest an intuitive and spontaneous approach to shooting - a mode which they consider intrinsic to their medium. They resist reshooting and post-production. Hence their work foregrounds and promotes the act of looking, embracing a certain amount of wandering and the potential for 'errors'. At the same time, the eye that they each bring to their work involves ways of composing a moving image that is practised and honed. In addition, they also often set out to explore strategies that exercise resolution, exposure, focus or the misuse of 'apps' and automatic camera settings. The world that they find close to hand - whether gardens, farmyards, local parks, bedrooms or city streets - is where they go looking. The programme includes two new video-performance pieces and a single-screen video that they will have made together on the day.    

Amy Dickson 


Mum's Garden (2017) Sony Xperia Z5, 2mins 4secs

Wind I Screen (2016) Sony Xperia Z5, 2mins 45secs

Winter Walk (2016) Sony Xperia Z5, 2mins 48secs

Reeds II  (2016) Sony Xperia Z5, 5mins 54secs

N, S, E, W II (2017) video-performance, 5mins 

Jamie Jenkinson

BZZZ, (26/05/17) iPhone 7 plus, 4mins 35secs

Llyn Padarn (03/06/17) iPhone 7 plus, 1min 50secs 

Bulls (21/06/17) iPhone 7 plus, 3mins 23secs  

Cockadoodledoo (24/06/17) iPhone 7 plus, 8mins 25secs

Three Kitchen Pans (10/07/17) live video editing performance, 6mins

The two additional works that Amy and Jamie have chosen to show are Chris Welsby's Wind Vane (1972, 8mins, two-screen 16mm) and Józef Robakowski's Nearer Further (1985, 4mins, video).

Download AD/JJ in conversation.

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