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Strategies for Discovering Cinema: Helga Fanderl / Nicky Hamlyn

Close-Up Cinema, Thursday 18th April, 2024.

See here for tickets.

Panni © Nicky Hamlyn.jpg

Panni, Nicky Hamlyn 


Karussell, Helga Fanderl

Since 1986, Helga Fanderl has made over a thousand 8mm films that record encounters with events and images in the real world. She responds in an intuitive and highly concentrated way to the subjects in front of her lens, discovering cinematic rhythms and relationships in everyday life. Each of her films preserves and reflects the traces of its creation, as well as the sensations and emotions that she felt in the moment of shooting. A new book about her work, Helga Fanderl: Konstellationen Super 8 (Berlin: Hatje Cantz), was published in 2023. A new DVD compilation of her work, entitled Constellations is also available (Paris: Re:voir).


Nicky Hamlyn’s 16mm films involve using the camera to explore his immediate environment, testing ideas about representation and the productive relationship between the lens, the frame and the form of his subject matter, which spans domestic, urban and rural spaces. His videos and expanded cinema pieces are equally rigorous, but the structures that he devises are always open in some respects and alive to the rewards of happenstance. Hamlyn has also written widely on experimental cinema. His books include Film Art Phenomena (London: BFI, 2003) as well as co-edited books on Kurt Kren and experimental animation. 


Helga Fanderl and Nicky Hamlyn will be present to introduce and discuss their work.


This screening is supported by the Goethe-Institut.




Helga Fanderl, Films (2013 – 2023) Super 8, silent, 30’

Karussell / Carousel
Wasserpflanzen / Water Plants
Parisbilder für Dr. G. / Pictures of Paris for Dr. G.
Gespiegelt / Mirrored
Bügeln auf der Straße / Ironing in the Street
Spielende Hunde / Playing Dogs
Schaukeln (2022) / Swinging (2022)
Konversation am Strand / Conversation at the Beach
Jardin d’Acclimatation I
Blätter auf dem Glasdach / Leaves on a Glass Roof
Zootiere und Architekturen / Zoo Animals and Architectures
Umlauftank / Circulation Tank

Nicky Hamlyn


Object Studies (2005, 16mm, silent, 17mins)

Panni (2005, 16mm, silent, 3mins)

Pro Agri (2009, 16mm, silent, 3mins)

Three video sketches: Jaurès, Films and Pareo (2013, digital video, sound, 8mins)

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